World Hearing Day Campaign 2021

March 3 - World Hearing Day

Hearing disorders are among the most neglected and undetected impairments that lead to disability. Each year, the World Health Organization (WHO) raises awareness of hearing loss with the World Day of Hearing drew attention to it on March 3.

The World Health Organization estimates that about 6.1 percent (466 million) of the world's population is affected. Younger people in particular put themselves at risk of hearing loss by using portable music devices too loudly - over 1 trillion according to the WHO. 

This year's "Hearing Health for All!" campaign is about much more than good hearing, because hearing plays an often underestimated role: Hearing means quality of life. Those who have their hearing tested regularly and have hearing loss treated professionally at an early stage not only prevent the loss of social contacts, live more safely, hear sounds they thought were lost again and also prevent dementia. 

Since hearing loss often sets in gradually and goes unnoticed for a long time after middle age, a statutory Hearing screening required from the age of fifty and is intended to encourage everyone to make provisions for their self-determined and carefree aging with regular hearing tests.  

Sources: WHO / BAG /

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Hearing Aid Center Northwestern Switzerland AG
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CH - 4051 Basel

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