Question on: Which institutions can serve as potential (co-)sponsors of a hearing instrument


"Who will pay part of the costs"


Potential (CO) sponsors of your hearing instrument include the following institutions:


As an employed person before AHV age with a hearing loss of at least 20%, you will receive a lump-sum contribution of CHF 1650.- from the IV for a bilateral hearing aid fitting and CHF 840.- for a unilateral hearing aid fitting. Further lump-sum contributions may be paid annually for

a) Battery cost 40.-/per ear,

b) repair costs electronically 200.-/per ear, as well as

c) Repair costs mechanically 130.-/per ear can be claimed. The lump sum contribution to your hearing aid can be claimed every six years.


If a complex hearing impairment is present, a hardship application can also be submitted. For more information, please contact the HZ.


If the hearing loss occurred at work, a claim must be filed with SUVA or the military insurance. Depending on the degree of the hearing problem, different lump-sum contributions are awarded. These are as follows: CHF 1293 for a standard fitting or CHF 2020 for a bilateral fitting. In the case of a complex fitting, you will receive CHF 1865.- for a one-sided fitting and CHF 2972.- for a two-sided fitting. The SUVA / MV flat-rate contribution to your hearing system can be applied for every six years. Additional contributions are made for battery compensation and repair costs.


As a person of AHV age with a hearing loss of at least 35%, the AHV contributes a lump sum of CHF 1230.- for a bilateral fitting and CHF 630.- for a unilateral fitting. This cost contribution can be requested every 5 years.

Tax deductions

What is often forgotten is a deduction of the hearing aid purchase cost as a health care expense on your next taxes. This depends on your hearing loss of the better ear as well as on your net income. Curious? HZ

Health insurance

If you have supplementary insurance, you will almost certainly receive a contribution towards the purchase of hearing aids. Feel free to consult your insurer about this. For everyone else, the same applies: It doesn't cost anything to ask.

Social welfare office / Pro Senectute / Supplementary benefits

Unfortunately, even in Switzerland, it is still the case that not all people have Hearing instruments can afford. For this purpose, there are various institutions that provide additional support at the above-mentioned flat-rate contributions.

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Hearing Aid Center Northwestern Switzerland AG
Stadthausgasse 15
CH - 4051 Basel

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